How much money do you have with you right now? How much money do you usually keep on you?, How would you describe your economic situation right now? Use one of the expressions from the lesson., Have you ever been a tightwad? Are any of your family members or friends stingy?, Do you think many things in this city are a rip-off? What examples can you give? Comparably, what are some things that you think are dirt cheap?, Have you blown a lot of money since arriving here? If yes, how much and what did you splurge on? Are you generally living beyond your means while here?, Do men usually foot the bill on a date in your country or do you split the bill? Have you ever treated your classmates or boss to a coffee, beer or maybe even a meal?, Are any of your friends loaded? Is their family loaded? Were they born with a silver spoon in their mouth or did they go from rags to riches and earn it themselves?, Do you think idioms like bring home the bacon should be avoided because they are offensive to vegans?, What is something you want to do at all costs, regardless of how difficult it may be?, What is something that cost you a fortune? Did it cost you an arm and a leg? Did you have to scrape the money together in order to buy it? Are you flat broke now as a result?, Hypothetically, if you lost your job, how would you get back on your feet? What are some things you would do to keep yourself from living hand to mouth?, Have you ever chipped in money for a gift? Who did you buy for and what did you buy?, Are you the type of person who likes to put their two cents in or do you prefer to be quiet and observant of those discussing around you?, Name some professions where people can make a killing doing their job. Do you think rich people always feel happy and content? What makes you feel like a million bucks?, Hypothetically, your best friend is digging himself/herself into a financial hole. Would you say something? What advice would you give?.

Slang I1-3 Lesson 6 Money Discussion Questions


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