The ____ Party leader Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933. Many Germans ____ for him because the existing government was failing to solve the high unemployment and poverty rates that emerged after the Wall Street ____. He quickly established a dictatorship by passing two important ____. The first was called the ____ Fire Decree and this allowed him to ban the ____ Party and ____ anyone who was seen as an enemy of the state. The next law was called the ____ Act and this gave Hitler the power to pass any laws he wanted without having to consult the German ____. He used his ____ group the SA to intimidate the members of parliament to vote for the law. Afterwards Hitler ____ all other political parties. When the president died he ____ the roles of president and ____ to become the sole leader of Germany, calling himself Der ____. ____ was an important feature of life in Nazi Germany. The SA would attack people who didn't agree with the Nazis and the ____ was like a police force that was responsible for making sure people followed the rules. They were also in charge of ____ camps where people were sent if they were seen as a threat. The ____ was a secret police force responsible for finding anyone who opposed the Nazis and they often used torture to get information. The ____ of the Long ____ was a violent event where Hitler ordered the killing of members of the ____ who had become too powerful. This showed how much he was willing to use violence and fear to keep people in line. As a result Germany became a ____ society where people were so scared that they would turn family or friends in to the Gestapo. ____ was another important feature of life in Nazi Germany. Joseph ____ was responsible for making sure people could only access information that was ____ by the government. He used newspapers, films, and the ____ to spread propaganda. He even organised for ____ radios to be produced so that as many people as possible could afford them. Loudspeakers were installed in factories, schools and public places and ____ listening was encouraged. Gestapo spies even monitored people’s ____ for signs of disloyalty. Goebbles created a ____ of personality around Hitler, making him seem like a god. The ____ Rallies were one of the ways he did this. These were big events held every year with parades, speeches, military shows and endless displays of the Nazi symbol, the ____. The use of the ____ Hitler greeting and Hitler ____ were compulsory to show loyalty and devotion to Hitler too. Young people were a particular target for propaganda as the government aimed to ____ children from an early age. Indoctrination means to teach people to believe things without ____. In school, students were taught about the importance of loyalty to Hitler and a ____ of him hung in every classroom. They studied ____ theory where they were told about the superiority of the ____ race and learned ____ stereotypes about Jews. Nazi ideas about ____ roles were promoted as girls were taught how to be good mothers and wives while boys were taught how to be good ____. These ideas were reinforced in youth groups like the Hitler ____ and the ____ of German Maidens. Students in these groups wore ____ that included symbols of the Nazi party, like the swastika and took part in physical training, marches, singing and other activities. Antisemitism was a big part of life in Nazi Germany. The Nazis believed that Jewish people were ____ and used propaganda to make people ____ Jews. The Nuremberg ____ discriminated against Jewish people by taking away their right to be German ____. Jews had to wear ____ Star of David badges so they could be easily ____ and were forced out of their jobs and schools. Jews also faced a lot of violent attacks. The most well known event was ____, also known as the Night of the ____ Glass. Jewish homes, businesses and ____ were destroyed and thousands of Jews were attacked and forced in concentration camps. Later, during the war, the Nazis murdered 6 million Jewish people during the ____.

Life in Nazi Germany


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