1) You ... go to bed. It's late a) don't have to b) must 2) You ... talk! Be quiet. a) mustn't b) have to 3) You ... come to school on time. a) must b) mustn't 4) You ... be late. I can't wait for you. a) mustn't b) must 5) You ... walk the dog today. It's your turn. a) don't have to b) must 6) You ... talk to your brother like that. It's rude. a) must b) mustn't 7) We ... get up early on Monday. a) mustn't b) have to 8) Does he ... wear a uniform to school? a) must b) have to 9) You ... have to answer right now. a) don't b) doesn't 10) You ... answer all five questions.  a) has to b) have to 11) What ... they have to do at school on Tuesday? a) do b) does

Must, Mustn`t, Have to, Don`t have to



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