1) Starting a chain of coffee houses in Manhattan is a half-baked idea! There are already more than enough coffee houses in Manhattan. a) a great idea b) a really bad idea c) an idea that needs some more time in the oven 2) The government is discussing a new proposal to raise the minimum wage, but nothing is set in stone yet. a) nothing has been decided yet b) the proposal has been approved c) nothing will ever be decided 3) You don't have to twist the boss's arm. She's already decided to let everybody leave early on Friday to avoid holiday traffic. a) convince the boss b) hurt the boss c) ignore the boss 4) Arnold Schwarzenegger has appeared on television commercials in Japan, China, Austria, and Brazil, plugging products such as vitamin drinks and soup. a) drinking products b) advertising products c) terminating products 5) Before approaching a bank for a loan, you need to flesh out your business plan. a) throw out b) present c) add more detail to 6) Buying a new computer system would cost an arm and a leg. Let's just upgrade the system we already have. a) a lot of money b) not much money c) a lot of time 7) Paul and Susan make a good living running a bed-and-breakfast in Vermont. Meeting lots of friendly people is the icing on the cake. a) easy when you live in Vermont b) how they earn their living c) an additional benefit 8) I like your idea of selling our products by direct mail. Let's run with it. a) Let's discuss it further. b) Let's proceed with it. c) Let's forget it.


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