1) meet or confront a) go on to b) make up for c) get out of d) come up against 2) feel superior to a) come down to b) come up with c) get out of d) look down on 3) compensate for a) make up for b) drop out of c) put up with sth/sb d) come up with 4) be the result of a) go on to b) grow out of c) come up against d) come down to 5) to think of a new idea a) get out of b) grow out of c) come up with d) keep up with sb 6) do sth after doing sth else a) get on well with sb b) get round to c) be tied up with d) go on to 7) leave (a school) a) get out of b) come down to c) be tied up with d) drop out of 8) develop from sth a) grow out of b) come up with c) get out of d) keep up with sb 9) be very busy with sth a) make up for b) be tied up with c) look up to sb d) drop out of 10) stay at the same level as a) come up against b) get round to c) keep up with sb d) be tied up with 11) have a good relationship with sb a) be tied up with b) go on to c) get on well with sb d) make up for 12) avoid a) get out of b) come up with c) be tied up with d) get round to 13) find time to do a) come down to b) look up to sb c) get round to d) make up for 14) admire and respect a) look up to sb b) get round to c) be tied up with d) put up with sth/sb 15) tolerate a) be tied up with b) get round to c) put up with sth/sb d) get out of 16) use all of sth and have nothing left a) keep up with sb b) look down on c) drop out of d) run out of sth 17) defend a) stand up for sth b) come down to c) keep up with sb d) get on well with sb

Phrasal verbs


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