Appeasement - Policy of giving into an aggressor to preserve the peac, Nazi Party - the political party headed by Hitler, Dictator - One who rules with cruel authority and power, Democracy - People choose their leaders by voting, and the majority decides, Facism - people support the dictator and the government in the name of nationalism., Axis Powers - Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II, Allied Power - Great Britain, France, Soviet Union and later the US during WWII, Inflation - an increase in prices and decrease in the purchasing value of money., lease - to rent or borrow something, Homefront - The efforts by many that were home in the U.S. to support the war effort, ration - a fixed amount of a a product officially allowed to each person during a time of shortage, as in wartime, Japanese Internment Camp - detention centers where relocated Japanese Americans were sent after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Rosie the River - a nickname for women during WWI who had jobs in factories and shipyards,

WWII Vocabulary



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