What do you remember about linguistic repertoire? How would you define it? Can you give examples of different languages someone might be able to speak or understand?, What do you recall about Kalala, the boy from Lecture 2 who lives in Bukavu, Zaire. What languages does Kalala speak? How do you think he learned or acquired them?, Who among you speaks another language besides English? It could be to any extent, not just advanced competence. Please share which language(s) you speak and how you acquired or learned them., Discuss in pairs or small groups: How do you think Kalala's ability to speak several languages impacts his life and interactions with others in Bukavu, Zaire?, In your opinion, what are the benefits of having a diverse linguistic repertoire? How can it enrich someone's personal and professional life?, Do you think language acquisition (natural language ability from childhood) is different from language learning (conscious study of language)? How might these two processes differ, and how might they complement each other?, How can a multilingual environment like Kalala's home city of Bukavu, Zaire, contribute to the acquisition of multiple languages?.

Linguistic Repertoire


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