Beaver Tail - Packs and flattens mud and dirt to build with., Hoof on a buffalo - Protects feet and gives greater mobility on rocky ground, Alligator scales - Protects from environment and terrain, Hard beak on a parrot - Cracks nuts for food, Flounder's shape and eyes ( both on one side of its head) - Able to lie on ocean floor and camouflage from predators, Brightly colored flowers on a plant - Attracts bees for pollination, Extra thick fur on a seal - keeps it warm while swimming in cold water, Color changing fur on arctic fox (brown in summer white in winter) - camouflages to protect from predators, Hard shell on a turtle - Protects from predators ( too hard to penetrate), Long narrow beak on a humming bird - Reaches into narrow flowers to drink nectar, Extra tall trunks on trees in a rainforest - Reaches over all the other vegetation to get to sunlight, Big tuna tail - Help swim fast to catch prey, webbed duck feet - Helps it swim through the water, Insulating feathers on a penguin - keeps it warm and dry while swimming or waddling on ice, Large padded paws on a snow leopard - Helps walk on snow and ice, Mouse whiskers - Feels its way around, even in dark places, Flat square teeth on a cow - Chew grass, Spines on a cactus - protection from predators who would steal its water supply, spotted fur on a jaguar - camouflages so it can hunt prey, Eagle's very good eyesight - see and catch prey far below, Sharp teeth on a lion or other carnivore - Kill and rip apart other animals to eat for food,

Plant and Animal Adaptation



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