1) I was in the forest ___ Sunday. a) at b) on c) in 2) They are going to get married ___ a month. a) during b) in c) next 3) What are we going to watch ___ this week? a) - b) in c) at 4) I am good ___ drawing animals a) in b) on c) at 5) What will you do _ next year? a) through b) in c) - 6) She is bad ___ solving sums a) in b) on c) at 7) _ Last Christmas I gave you my heart a) in b) in the c) - 8) What will you be doing tomorrow ___ 7pm? a) at b) on c) in 9) She is going to visit her mother ___ a) the day before yesterday b) the day after tomorrow 10) I would like to stay at home _ this weekend a) in b) at c) - 11) I usually go out for dinner ___ weekends a) at/on b) on/in c) at/in 12) I found him ___ a) the day before yesterday b) the day after tomorrow 13) I got there _ foot (пешком) a) on b) at c) in 14) I'm not going to wait _ you! a) - b) for c) at 15) Look _ the sky! It is so starry! a) at b) on c) in 16) He is keen on listening ___ this radio station. a) - b) for c) to 17) I want to ask ___ some money. a) - b) for c) about 18) Did you ride ___ a bike ___ childhood? a) -, at b) on, in c) -, in 19) I am interested ___ doing yoga a) at b) in c) about 20) She is keen ___ helping stray animals a) on b) at c) about 21) She fell ___ love___ her colleague a) to, in b) in, to c) in, with 22) Я чувствую себя превосходно a) I feel myself excellent b) I feel excellent 23) I have an allergy ___ chocolate a) on b) to c) at 24) I have experience ___ climbing a) about b) in c) on 25) Are you going to look ___ a cave again? a) about b) on c) for 26) He arrived ___ the airport ___ last night. a) at, - b) in, - c) at, at 27) When should I arrive ___ the UK? a) in b) at c) on 28) How much money did you spend ___ tickets? a) at b) on c) in 29) What does she usually eat ___ morning? a) in the b) in c) at the 30) I slept badly ___ night a) in the b) at c) at the 31) She fell ___ love ___ the first sight a) in, with b) in, at c) on, at 32) Will we go ___ the river? a) to b) on c) in 33) The children are playing ___ outside now. a) - b) in the c) at the 34) Last time I had ___ cold was 3 weeks ago. a) the b) a c) one 35) My dog touched ___ me with his nose. a) - b) on c) at 36) I enjoy going ___ a walk ___ evening. a) at, in the b) for, in the c) for, in 37) There ___ ___ sand in my garden! a) was, much b) was, many c) were, much d) were, many 38) We flew _ home. a) to b) - c) on




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