If you could be friends with any actor, who would it be and why?, What is a favorite toy from childhood?, What's your favorite part about summer and why?, What kind of cake would you like most for your birthday?, What is something amazing about you?, If a genie could grant you one wish, what would it be?, What is the nicest thing a coworker has ever done for you?, What have you done that you are especially proud of?, What made you laugh this week?, What’s the most challenging thing about being a virtual teacher?, If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?, What is one thing you hope to change in the world when you grow up?, What was one nice thing you did for someone this week?, What is your favorite kind of art?, What music do you like?, What would your superhero name be?,  You're a photographer for a day, what would you take pictures of?, Tell me something about you that you think I might not know., What is your favorite movie from childhood?, If you could build anything in the backyard, what would it be?, If you could eat one food everyday, what would it be?, What do you wish we did at conference that we currently don't do? (dinner, sessions, etc.).


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