Oxygen - Needed by cell respiration , Photosynthesis - Produce Oxygen + Glucose, Nitrogen - Production of nitric acid and ammonia, Inert gas - Helium is used to fill hot air balloons and weather balloons, Carbon cycle - Cycle that maintains the content of carbon dioxide in the air, Oxygen cycle - Continuous cycle that takes oxygen from the air and returns in to the air, Combustion - Oxygen, heat, fuel, Dry powder - Fire extinguisher, Air pollution - Involves the presence of any pollutants in the air., Law enforcement - Fine smokers who smoke at restricted areas, Factory - Pollutants : Dust, smoke, soot, Health - Sulphur dioxide can cause respiratory problems, Carbon dioxide - Greenhouse effect, Chlorofluorocarbons - Thinning of the ozone layer, Nitrogen dioxide - Acid rain,

Science Form 1 Chapter 7 : Air



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