1. Women often paint this with make-up., 2. It is on your head., 3. It begins with T., 4. You have two of them., 5. Some people can read it., 6. It is flat., 7. It bends., 8. You wear a watch here., 9. You have one of them., 1. They are part of your face., 2. It can be brown, black, blonde or red., 3. It is on your foot., 4. You use this part of your body to say OK without speaking., 5. It is in the middle of your hand., 6. It begins with F., 7. It is in the middle of your leg., 8. You have two of them., 9. It is part of your face., 1. You have two of them., 2. It begins with H., 3. You have ten of them., 4. It is part of your hand., 5. It begins with P., 6. it is part of your face between your eyes and your hair., 7. You have two of them., 8. It joins your hand to your arm., 9. You use it to smell..


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