1) This animal is small and fluffy, often associated with cold regions. It hops around on the ice and has a short tail. Is it a) A penguin? b) A polar bear? c) A seal? 2) This animal has a long, curved beak and stands on one leg. It is known for its graceful movements and vibrant coloration. Is it a) A koala? b) A flamingo? c) A monkey? 3) This animal is a great swimmer and can hold its breath for a long time. It catches fish using its sharp teeth. Is it a) A penguin? b) A snake? c) A seal? 4) This animal is small and furry, often found in trees. It likes to eat bananas and swing from branch to branch. Is it a) A monkey? b) A zebra? c) A tiger? 5) This animal has large wings and can soar through the sky. It often builds nests on tall trees and sings beautiful songs. Is it a) A cheetah? b) A giraffe? c) A parrot? 6) This animal is known for its long, slender body and venomous bite. It moves silently and strikes its prey quickly. Is it a) A spider? b) A lion? c) An elephant? 7) This animal is associated with the ocean and has flippers for swimming. It comes ashore to lay eggs in the sand. Is it a) A seal? b) A penguin? c) A turtle? 8) This animal is large and has a thick, shaggy coat. It has a hump on its back and is often found in cold regions. Is it a) A panda? b) A polar bear? c) A koala? 9) This animal has a long, narrow snout and sharp teeth. It is known for its incredible speed and hunting abilities. Is it a) A cheetah? b) A kangaroo? c) A crocodile? 10) This animal is known for its beautiful mane and loud roar. It is often called the "king of the jungle." Is it a) A lion? b) A tiger? c) An elephant?


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