Factor 1: Slavery was not making as much money as it used to - Sugar, tobacco and cotton had fallen in price. In particular sugar was not making profit anymore. In the West Indies, plantation began to close down, especially due to the slave revolts that kept happening there., Factor 2: Slaves helped end their own slavery - Slaves found all sorts of ways to fight back against their slave owner, including breaking tools, working slowly and attempts to escape. The revolt led by Toussaint L'Ouverture in Saint Domingue resulted in the independent state of Haiti being formed. The slave ship Amistad is famous for the slave revolt at sea, after which the slaves and won back their freedom., Factor 3: Ex-enslaved African proved the racists wrong - The ideologies that grew up around slavery trade helped to justify the trade. The argument was made that slaves were inferior, intellectually, culturally and morally, and could only be made happy by work. A number of slaves were able to get an education and write books, give talks and even represent themselves in court. Some were sophisticated musicians, others wrote books about their experiences, such as Olaudah Equiano, that helped raise awareness of the cruelty of the trade., Factor 4: Anti-slavery campaigns in Britain - There was a strong movement in Britain of anti-slavery sentiment. The Society for the abolition of slavery was set up in 1787, and included a number of prominent MPs and politicians that used their Christian beliefs and the British parliamentary system to debate the issue and find legal solutions. William Wilberforce is one of the most famous of these abolitionists. He advocated in parliament for 18yrs and finally got to see the Slavery Abolition Act come into force on 26th July 1833. He died 3 days later after witnessing the culmination of his life's work. ,

How did the transatlantic slave trade come to an end?


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