1) What inventions were created in the Middle Ages? a) Preservative b) Compass c) Pencil 2) What function do the ditches have? a) Transport water and re-use in other things b) To walk the dog and avoid their death c) To decorate the walks 3) What function does the greenhouse have? a) To controll the temperature and humidity of the plants b) The same function like a vegetable patch c) Both are correct 4) What is the formula of Pitagoras theorem? a) ax2+bx+c=0` b) a²+b²= c² c) y=mx + n 5) What materials make the volcano's erupt ? a) Lava b) Magma c) Hot's rocks 6) In which container do the cardboard go? a) Grey b) Yellow c) Blue 7) What is noise pollution? a) Both are correct b) The pollution of all the trashes of the cities c) Noise and vibration environment that causes discomfort or damage 8) Is this an example of static electricity? a) Yes b) No 9) Is there a Yucca in our highschool? a) Yes b) No 10) Do you think that Spain is the country with the most people who smoke vape? a) Yes b) No 11) A microwave and a fridge are an example of electromagnetism a) Yes b) No c) Only the fridge 12) How many organs has the human body got? a) 332-649 b) 650-840 c) 840 845 13) Where did the First Industrial Revolution occur? a) France b) Spain c) England 14)  What area of ​​the body does vape smoke affect? a) Lungs b) Respiratory track c) Both 15) Which of these object prevents sexual diseases? a) Morning before pill b) Contraceptive method c) Both




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