spotting - checking by looking, freeway operations - driving or activities done on the freeway, intersection - where two roads meet or cross, slanted - at an angle from a straight line, scan - to glance or look at quickly, far-side - opposite from one's position, near-side - close to one's position, operator - driver, align - to adjust or bring into a straight line, curb - edge of a sidewalk, center divider - line or structure dividing opposing traffic on a street or road, obstruction - something that blocks the path or travel, obstruct - the act of blocking the path or travel, upcoming - getting closer or coming up ahead, parallel - having same direction, not crossing over, curve - continually bending line or road, curvature - the bend on a road or line, blindspot - not visible area, outside of field of view, pivot point - point on bus used as a guide to turn, pivot - to turn, activate - to turn on, actuate, deactivate - to turn off, shoulder - area near arm and back; area next to a road for emergency stops, survey or surveying - general view of an area; scan, right of way - driving ahead or proceeding before another vehicle, gridlock - blocking traffic at an intersection; traffic jam, crosswalk - area reserved for pedestrians to cross a street, hazard - a danger or risk, task - an assignment or work to be done, designate - to mark or point out; select, approach - to come near or draw nearer to, merge - move from one lane to another; to combine or unite, gradual - doing something little by little, accelerate - move or do something faster; pressing the gas pedal; speed up, onramp - entrance lane onto a freeway, offramp - exit lane from a freeway,

Vocabulary: Basic Bus Maneuvers Video


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