1) Australia is big, but Canada is … Australia. a) big b) biggest c) bigger than 2) David is 185 cm tall. He is … Andrew. a) taller than b) tall c) taller 3) Russia is … country in the world. a) big b) the biggest c) the bigest 4) My brother thinks this restaurant is … than that restaurant. a) more worse b) badder c) worse 5) I think that shopping centre … in our city. a) best b) the best c) is the best 6) Elephants are … land animals in the world. a) heaviest b) the heavyest c) the heaviest 7) Do you think math and science … history and English? a) is more difficult than b) are more difficult than c) difficulter 8) My home is located … our school. a) the furthest from b) far c) further 9) Patrick thinks that chocolate cake … banana cake. a) is more delicious than b) delicious than c) more delicious 10) Question number 1 was … Question number 10. a) the easyer b) easier than c) easyer than


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