1) 1. My sister is so _______ that she looks both ways before crossing the street. a) well-behaved b) cautious c) sympathetic 2) 2. The man dressed in all purple and wore a top hat, making him seem __________ to others. a) eccentric b) self-satisfied c) stingy 3) 3. She was ___________ enough to believe the fake news article. a) shrewd b) passionate c) gullible 4) 4. The student was ______ and completed all of their homework before playing video games. a) vain b) stubborn c) industrious 5) 5. My uncle can be very ______ when it comes to people's fashion choices. He always has a negative comment. a) judgemental b) thick-skinned c) untrustworthy 6) 6. The ___________ girl gave her last piece of candy to her friend. a) selfless b) selfish c) stingy 7) 7. He was very ___________ after finishing first in the marathon. a) single-minded b) self-satisfied c) open-minded 8) 8. The ______ businessman made sure to negotiate for the best price on the car. a) industrious b) shrewd c) vain 9) 9. She was _____ with her money and never wanted to spend any of it. a) bad-mannered b) stubborn c) stingy 10) 10. The ______ child refused to eat the broccoli no matter what her parents said. a) stubborn b) sympathetic c) compassionate 11) 11. The __________teacher listened to the students' problems and offered support. a) creative b) quick-witted c) sympathetic 12) 12. She's so _______ the she takes multiple selfies before posting them on social media. a) light-hearted b) vain c) spontaneous 13) 13. He's _________ because hehas lied before. I won't tell him anything. a) untrustworthy b) bossy c) bad-tempered 14) 14. The actress had to be ___________ to handle all the criticism about her performance. a) insecure b) thick-skinned c) vain 15) 15. The comedian was ___________ and could think of a joke for any situation. a) quick-witted b) gullible c) judgemental


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