1) There are ....... potatoes in the bag. a) a lot of b) many 2) He’s got ........ of books on his desk. a) much b) a lot of 3) Have they got ........ chocolate? a) many b) much 4) I like ....... sugar in my tea. a) much b) a lot of 5) There aren’t ....... beans in the salad. a) many b) a lot of 6) Is there ...... honey in the jar? a) a lot of b) much 7) There isn’t ..... apple jam on the table. a) much b) a lot of 8) Are there ........ sausages for the picnic?  a) much b) many 9) Ann buys ....... tomatoes on Sundays. a) a lot of b) many 10) Are there ....... cartons of milk ? a) many b) a lot of

4 Spotlight -a lot of/much/many


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