1) According to the 2021 Census, First Nations people represent what percentage of the Australian population? a) Approximately 5% b) Approximately 12% c) Approximately 6% d) Approximately 3% 2) Approximately how long have First Nations people inhabited Australia? a) Since creation b) 60,000 years c) 100,000 years d) 600,000 years 3) Which is the most accepted way to refer to First Peoples living on Australia's mainland? a) First Nation Peoples b) Language group/Country (Gadigal, Dharug etc.) c) Koori or Murri d) Indigenous 4) In 2021, in which state or territory did the largest population of First Nations people reside? a) Queensland b) Northern Territory c) New South Wales d) Western Australia 5) What happened in 1967? a) The first Aboriginal person was voted into parliament b) Aboriginal people were included in the census for the first time c) Aboriginal people were granted citizenship d) Aboriginal people could vote for the first time 6) What does NAIDOC mean? a) National Australian Indigenous Day Observance Community b) National Aboriginal and Islander Day of Celebration c) National Australian Indigenous Day of Celebration d) National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee 7) What is the NAIDOC theme this year? a) Care For Country b) Always Was, Always Will Be c) Voice, Treaty, Truth d) For Our Elders 8) A speech or ceremony at the beginning of a formal event, performed by a Traditional Owner is called? a) Entry Ceremony b) Acknowledgement of Country c) Welcome to Country d) Custodian Greeting 9) A smoking ceremony serves which function? a) To ward off strangers b) To calm the nerves like tobacco c) To ward off death d) To spiritually and physically cleanse 10) Which of the following people are most likely to be a First Nations person? a) A woman with a darker complexion and brown eyes b) A woman with fair skin and red hair c) A man with a caramel complexion and blue eyes d) Any of these

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