1) Czy Ty byłeś wczoraj zmęczony? a) Was you tired yesterday? b) Was you yesterday tired? c) Were you yesterday tired? d) Were you tired yesterday? 2) Ona nie była na basenie w niedzielę. a) She wasn't in the swimming pool on Sunday. b) She wasn't at the swimming pool on Sunday. c) She wasn't at the swimming pool in Sunday. d) She wasn't in the swimming pool in Sunday. 3) Twoi rodzice byli zmęczeni zeszłego wieczoru po pracy. a) Your parents were tired after work last evening. b) Your parent were tired after work last evening. c) Your parents was tired after work last evening. d) Your parent was tired after work last evening. 4) Wczoraj były urodziny mojej siostry. a) It was my sister's birthday yesterday. b) It was my sisters birthday yesterday. c) It was my sister birthday yesterday, d) It was birthday my sister yesterday. 5) Bill i Lucy nie byli w szkole dwa dni temu. a) Bill and Lucy weren't in school two days ago. b) Bill and Lucy weren't in the school two days ago. c) Bill and Lucy weren't at the school two days ago. d) Bill and Lucy weren't at school two days ago. 6) Prezenty Briana były fantastyczne a) Brian's present was fantastic. b) Brian's presents were fantastic. c) Brians presents were fantastic. d) Brians presents was fantastic. 7) Czy Ty byłeś w Paryżu tydzień temu? Nie, nie byłem. a) Was you in Paris a week ago? No, I wasn't. b) Were you in Paris a week ago? No, I weren't. c) Were you in Paris a week ago? No, I wasn't. d) Was you in Paris a week ago? No, I weren't. 8) Grace rozmawiała przez telefon o 10 rano. a) Grace was in the phone at 10.00 am this morning. b) Grace was on the phone at 10.00 am this morning. c) Grace were on the phone at 10.00 am this morning. d) Grace were in the phone at 10.00 am this morning. 9) Czy nasza ciocia była w Londynie w zeszłym tygodniu? a) Was their aunt in London last week? b) Was our aunt in London last week. c) Was our ant in London last week? d) Was our aunt in London last week? 10) Czy imionami jego dzieci były Suzy and Tom? a) Were his childrens names Suzy and Tom? b) Were his children's names Suzy and Tom? c) Were his childrens' names Suzy and Tom? d) Were he children's names Suzy and Tom? 11) Oni byli wczoraj w centrum sportowym. a) They were at the sport centre yesterday. b) They were at the sports centre yesterday. c) They are at the sports centre yesterday. d) They are at the sport centre yesterday. 12) Gdzie Ty byłeś trzy lata temu? a) Where were you three years ago? b) Where where you three years ago? c) Were were you three years ago? d) Were where you three years ago? 13) Czy Einstein był dentystą? a) Were Einstein a dentist? b) Einstein was a dentist. c) Was Einstein dentist? d) Was Einstein a dentist? 14) Ile lat miała Twoja siostra kiedy była blondynką? a) How old was your sister when she were blonde? b) How old were your sister when she were blonde? c) How old was your sister when she was blonde? d) How old were your sister when she was blonde? 15) Paul i Grace nie byli bogaci, byli biedni. a) Paul and Grace weren't rich, they were poor. b) Paul and Grace were rich, they weren't poor. c) Paul and Grace weren't rich, were poor. d) Paul and Grace weren't rich, we were poor.

Past Simple was/were


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