1) Gina _____________ in the park yesterday. a) ate b) cooked c) walked 2) Jake _______________ pizza last night. a) ate b) drank c) jumped 3) Amy ______________ to the cinema last night. a) swam b) went c) rang 4) Rosa _______________ home an hour ago. a) came b) jumped c) drank 5) What is the past form of go? a) going b) goes c) went 6) What is the past form of play? a) played b) playing c) plays 7) What is the past form of drink? a) drinked b) drank c) drinks 8) What is the past form of sleep? a) slept b) sleeps c) sleeping 9) What is the past form of brush? a) brushes b) brushing c) brushed 10) What is the past form of listen? a) listened b) listens c) listening 11) She __________________ a song yesterday. a) singed b) sang c) singing 12) Susan _________________ in the morning yesterday. a) ran b) runned c) runs 13) He __________ TV yesterday. a) watched b) watching c) watches 14) They _________ on the phone last night. a) talking b) talked c) talks 15) Terry ______________ to school two hours ago. a) went b) goed c) going 16) I _____________ early yesterday. a) woke up b) wake up c) wakes up 17) Charles ______________ a book last night. a) reading b) reads c) read 18) Kate ____________ a cake an hour ago. a) makes b) made c) making

Simple Past Tense Gameshow Quiz



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