1) Did you use to_________(have) a favourite toy when you were a kid? 2) Do you think you could get used to__________(cycle) to work? 3) Do you usually__________(listen) to music in your car? 4) Did you use to__________(read) Harry Potter when you were a child? 5) Do you think you could get used to__________(drive) on the left? 6) Do you think you could get used to_____________(have) no access to the Internet? 7) Did you use to__________(watch) TV in the morning in your childhood? 8) Did you use to_________(hate) a particular food or drink when you were a child? 9) Do you usually_________(go) to the hairdresser's more than twice a month? 10) Did you use to___________(share) your room with your siblings? 11) Do you usually__________(go) to bed after midnight? 12) Do you think you could get used to___________(have) only two weeks holidays a year? 13) Do you think you could get used to____________(not eat) meat? 14) Did you use to___________(cheat) in exams at school?

used to, be used to, get used to



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