What's your first name? How do you spell it?, Where are you from? Where do you live?, What do you do? What do you do in your free time?, What's your surname? How do you spell it?, What's your phone number? What's your email address?, What is in your bag?, What's your mother's name? What's your father's name?, How do you relax in the evening?, What clothes do you usually wear in the summer?, What clothes do you usually wear in the winter?, When is your birthday?, What time do you leave home for school/work?, Do you live in a house or a flat?, Have you got one real best friend?, What was the last film you watched? Did you like it? What was the story in the film?, What clothes do you wear when you go to school?, Who has got beard and a moustache?, Where is the most popular tourist destination in your country?, What is the best city to live in?, What is the most expensive thing you bought in your life?, Who is the most beautiful woman you know?, Which one is worse? Travelling by bus or travelling by car on a hot day?, Which season is more romantic? Autumn or spring?, Name a friend who is quiet. Why do you think he/she is quiet? Give reasons/examples., Name a friend who is stupid. Why do you think he/she is stupid? Give reasons/examples., Name a friend who lives close to your house..


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