1) The river is so … here that you cannot use even a little boat. a) flat b) narrow c) shallow d) straight  2) In spite of the storm, the captain … the ship safely into port a) directed b) drove c) managed d) steered 3) He stood on the … of the river, looking down into the water. a) bank b) beach c) border d) coast 4) Hold on … to your lifebelt, otherwise you'll sink. a) firm b) steady c) strong d) tight 5) There was a terrible storm at sea last night and one of the boats .... a) dived b) drowned c) floated d) sank 6) The route into the harbour was marked by a line of … a) buoys b) compasses c) lightships d) sign posts 7) There were a number of fishing boats ... in the harbour. a) attached b) fixed c) moored d) roped 8) We're going to … a cruise on the river next weekend. a) go b) sail c) take d) travel 9) The crew … the sinking ship as fast as they could. a) abandoned b) escaped c) quit d) surrendered 10) Keep … don't panic! You will soon be rescued! a) brave b) calm c) firm d) happy 11) We have been unable to make …. with the ship by radio for last two days. a) communication b) connection c) contact d) link

Navigation and maritime studies. Vocabulary



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