studio - The room where an artist works, storyboard - A series of drawings to show the plot of a film, or action, in a film, soundtrack - The recorded sound, including speech and music, in a film, soundproof - Made so that no sound can get in or out, script - The written text of a play or film, reflective - Sending back light or heat, patient - Able to stand trouble or pain without complaining, painstaking - Done with great care and detailed and diligent attention, motion capture - Computer software that records the movements of people and things, film - A motion picture, movie, edit - Choose parts of a film or soundtrack and put them in the right order, computer-generated - Created by computer software, comic strip - A series of drawings that tell a story mostly, brainstorm - Suggest ideas and discuss them, acetate - A transparent drawing and writing sheet of plastic,

P5 Vocab 2.3 Practise V2


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