Transcription Errors - errors which occur when keying in data or completing optical mark forms, Data Processing errors - occurs during the processing stage for example Programming Error, Use of wrong data file, Incorrect formulas in spreadsheets, Virus Damage or Equipment Malfunction, Transmission Errors - An error that occurs when data is being sent over a network/the Internet, Transposition Errors - An error from a user typing in letters the wrong way round. E.g. from instead of form or filed instead of field or 10/5/18 instead of 5/10/18, Data Validation - a check performed by a computer program during data entry to ensure the data is both sensible and reasonable., Range Check - Ensures that the user is inputting data between two limits e.g. a quantity in an order database between 1 and 10., Length Check - Limits the number of characters in a data field. E.g to limit a telephone number (or ensure it is a certain amount of characters), Format Check - Ensures a data field is structured in the desired way, e.g National Insurance Number, Data Verification - Checks that data being entered into the computer exactly matches the source of the data, Methods of Data Verification - Double entry of data, Sending back printouts,

AS ICT Validation & Verification Key Terms


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