1) When someone says something 'teasing' to another kid and the kid feels comfortable to say something joking back.  a) Bullying b) Teasing 2) Many times when a bigger or older person does harm to a smaller or younger person. a) Bullying b) Teasing 3) The person who is being 'teased' asks for others to stop but they keep doing the "teasing".  a) Bullying b) Teasing 4) Involves physical or mental harm to people a) Bullying b) Teasing 5) playing a game that both people like a) Bullying b) Teasing 6) Giving a friend or family member a nickname that they like a) Bullying b) Teasing 7) Can be done by saying mean things, hitting, pushing, kicking, tripping, or not including someone a) Bullying b) Teasing 8) Saying or doing mean things over and over to the same person.  a) Bullying b) Teasing 9) Making fun of someone for something related to their physical characteristics, such as weight, hair or skin color.  a) Bullying b) Teasing 10) Saying something about a person as a joke and they both think it is funny. a) Bullying b) Teasing

Bullying or Teasing Game?



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