Prawidłowe zdanie: There is a door next to the window., There aren’t two cars in front of the garage., There is a swimming pool next to the house., There isn’t a garden behind the house., There aren’t two windows upstairs, There is a fence next to the swimming pool., There isn’t a garage between two windows. , There are trees behind the swimming pool. , There isn’t a gate in a fence., Nieprawidłowe zdanie: There are a door next to the window., There are two cars in front of the garage., There isn’t a swimming pool next to the house., There is a garden behind the house., There are two windows upstairs., There are a fence next to the swimming pool, There is a garage between two windows., There aren’t two trees behind the swimming pool., There is a gate in a fence.,

Brainy 5 Unit 2 there is there are


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