Who's calling, please? - My name is Elliot Lewis., I'm sorry. Could you say that again? - Yes, I said could you ask her to phone me this afternoon, Can I speak to Clare Locker, please? - Yes, speaking., When will she be back? - She'll be back at 3 o'clock., This line is terrible. You're breaking up. - OK. I'll call you back on another line., Can I have extension 155, please? - Certainly. One moment, I'll put you through., Could you ask Natasha to email me? - Yes, I'll make sure she gets your message., How do you spell that? - It's F-E-R-D-I-N-A-N-D., I'm afraid he's not in right now. Can I take a message? - Yes, please. Could you ask him to call me back?, Can I have your phone number? - Yes, it's 864-3216., Can you hold the line, please? - Yes, I'll wait., Thanks for calling. Have a nice day. - Thanks. You too. Goodbye., I'm sorry, he's out of the office today. - I see. Could I leave a message?, The line is busy. Would you like to hold? - It's OK. I'll call back later.,

Telephone language



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