Laissez-faire - not trying to control somebody and allowing them to do what they want, Pursue - to do something or try to achieve something over a period of time. Syn.: follow, Take care of - to accept responsibility for sth and have control over it, Operative - a worker, especially one who works with their hands, A broad range - refers to a wide variety or a diverse set of items, options, or possibilities that cover a wide spectrum of choices or opportunities. It signifies inclusivity and the presence of many different elements within a particular category or context, Collectivistic culture - prioritise the needs and goals of the group over the needs and desires of an individual, Individualistic culture - prioritise the needs of the individual over the needs of the group., Staff / employee retention - the ability of a company to keep its employees and stop them from going to work somewhere else, Dedication - the hard work and effort that somebody puts into an activity or a purpose because they think it is important. Syn.: commitment, Grasp - to understand something completely,

ESP vocab revision



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