True: Ransomware is a type of malware that locks you out of your laptop until you pay a fee., Ransomware is the most common type of malware happening today., You should back up your files at least once a week., A good way to protect yourself in case of a ransomware attack is to back up your files on the cloud., In case of a scareware attack, you should run anti-virus software., In case of a scareware attack, you should talk to a trusted adult., Mrs. Sandy's favorite candybar is a Heath Bar., Mrs. Sandy has read over 50 books this year., False: You never need to back up your files., Backing up your files on an external hard drive is a terrible idea., Cybercriminals will always release access to your computer after you pay the ransom., Scareware is not dangerous because it doesn't lock you out of your computer, Ransomware and scareware don't occur very often., In case of a scareware attack, you should call the number that comes up on your screen and give them your credit card number., Mrs. Sandy does not enjoy her morning coffee.,


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