Global and multicultural workplace Communicating and collaborating using ____ can help build relationships between ____ of different ages, gender, religion or ____. This leads to increased creativity, diversity and inclusivity in the ____. Inclusivity means ____ people are able to make valuable contributions. ____ teams means employers are not limited to just one area of the world. Multicultural means employees from various cultures can work ____ as a team. Inclusivity This is one of the key areas where technology has made a real difference, with functionality to help those who have limitations or ____. For example, people with visual impairments can work on the same files as those with no impairment by using software that can ____ the text, apply colours in a particular way or use specialist software that captures speech and ____ it to text or reads text to the ____. 24/7/265 This means that the service or facility is open ____ hours a day, 7 days a week for 365 days a year. This means all day, every day, all ____ round. This reduces the need for employees to work anti-social ____. World teams make it ____ to run services through out the day and ____. Examples of a 24/7/265 service include the BBC's News Channel, emergency services or an online retailers where you can ____ a film at 3 a.m. on a Sunday morning, then download and watch it ____. Just as importantly, internet content is ____ 24/7/365, with users able to access pages at any ____ of the day or night. Team Flexibility Teams who work in ____ locations, countries or ____ zones can benefit from using technologies that allow them to ____ information and to contribute to projects from remote ____ and at different times of the day. An organisation's working day can be ____, for example where they need to provide support for customers. One team can finish their day as ____ team in a different time zone ____. In terms of projects, this would simply mean that work could ____ on the project when one team goes home, leading to ____ completion of projects. Teams can be made up of a variety of ____, for example some staff may be permanent employees while others might be casual staff, on short-term contracts or freelance suppliers who are self-employed.

T4 Collaborative Technologies


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