STIs - (Sexually Transmitted Infections) Infections passed from person to person through sexual contact, STDs - (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Diseases passed from person to person through sexual contact, Consent needs to be given - each and every time sexual activity occurs between individuals., A disease is - a more advanced condition. Many infections never develop into diseases.wd, screening - routine tests that check for problems before signs show up. Finding problems early can make treating them easier and more effective., treatment - looking after a patient or a condition medically or surgically, Asymptomatic - someone who does not show any symptoms of a disease - there is no evidence of the illness, an infection - when germs get inside your body they can multiply and cause an infection. The body tries to fight off the germs with special cells (white blood cells)., discharge - A substance or liquid that is released from the body, bacteria - small organisms, or living things, that can be found in all natural environments. They are made of a single cell., oral sex - a sexual activity in which the mouth and tongue are used to give or receive sexual stimulation, ectopic pregnancy - when a fertilised egg implants itself outside of the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. If an egg gets stuck in them, it won't develop into a baby and your health may be at risk if the pregnancy continues., infertility - not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year (or longer) of unprotected sex, genital - the sexual or reproductive organs located on the outside of the body, wart - a small area of hardened skin that usually has a bumpy surface, unprotected sex - sexual intercourse without a condom, virus - tiny particles that cause disease in people, other animals, and plants, incurable - can't be fixed or healed, swollen - enlarged or puffed up, foreplay - any sexual activity that happens before sexual intercourse. You can think of it like the warm-up to the main event,,




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