Do 20 Pushups! , Do 40 Jumping Jacks! , Do 15 Situps (don't use your hands!), Do 25 Mountain Climbers!, Do 12 Burpies!, Do 20 Lunges! , Do 15 Leg Raisers! (don't let your legs touch the ground!), Do a 20 second Plank! (if you want to go hardcore to a 30-sec plank with your knuckles!), Do a 15 second Wall Sit!, Do a 10-second Calf Raise!, Do a 15 second Superman!, Do a 30-second Flutter Kick, Do 12 Russian Twists! , Do 20 Bicycle Kicks!, Do 10 crunches! (don't let your head touch the ground!), Do a 12 second Shoulder Bridge! , Do 15 Sprinter Sit-Ups!, STOP EXERCISING!! hope you had fun!, DOUBLE YOUR NEXT EXERCISE! , TRIPLE YOUR NEXT EXERCISE! , SKIP YOUR NEXT EXERCISE! .


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