1) The old house had a creaky staircase. a) house b) old c) had 2) The colourful flowers bloomed in the garden. a) bloomed b) garden c) colourful 3) The fierce dragon breathed fiery breath. a) fierce b) dragon c) breathed 4) The mysterious book was filled with intriguing stories. a) book b) filled c) mysterious 5) The playful puppy chased its tail. a) puppy b) chased c) playful 6) The gloomy day was brightened by the cheerful flowers. a) gloomy b) day c) brightened 7) The excited children played in the sparkling water. a) children b) sparkling c) played 8) The magnificent castle stood atop the steep hill. a) magnificent b) castle c) stood 9) The ancient ruins stood in the serene landscape. a) ruins b) stood c) serene 10) The vibrant painting hung in the elegant gallery. a) vibrant b) painting c) hung


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