Problem: James has been feeling stressed and overwhelmed with school and extracurricular activities. He can't seem to find time for relaxation. Task: Offer him advice on how to manage stress and create a healthier balance between school and personal life., Problem: Emily accidentally deleted an important document on her computer, and she doesn't know how to recover it. Task: Provide her with suggestions on what she should do to recover the deleted document and avoid such situations in the future., Problem: Sarah has a big exam next week, and she feels unprepared. She doesn't know how to efficiently study and cover all the material in time.Task: Give her advice on effective study strategies and time management to help her prepare for the upcoming exam., Problem: Alex is struggling to stay focused during online classes. He often finds himself distracted by social media and other online activities.Task: Suggest ways for Alex to improve his concentration and make the most out of his online learning experience., Problem: Emma has been experiencing difficulties falling asleep at night, affecting her energy levels during the day.Task: Offer her advice on how to improve her sleep schedule and establish a better bedtime routine., Problem: Jack's smartphone battery drains quickly, and he often runs out of battery before the end of the day.Task: Provide him with solutions to extend his phone's battery life and offer advice on managing smartphone usage more efficiently..

Giving Advice - modals recap



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