1) I _____dinner yesterday. a) cook b) cooked c) cooks d) cookt 2) My aunt ____ me to babysit two days ago. a) asked b) ask c) askt d) asking e) asks 3) I ______ at home yesterday evening. a) staied b) stay c) stayed d) stayd 4) We _______to go to the cinema last weekend. a) planned b) plan c) planed 5) My friend ______ me to her Birthday party yesterday. a) inviteed b) invited c) invite d) is inviting 6) I ________ at the shop an hour ago. a) stop b) stoped c) stopped d) am stopping 7) I ______ the house two days ago. a) am tidying b) tidy c) tidied d) tidyed 8) My mum _______ home at 9 yesterday. a) arrivd b) arrives c) arrived d) is arriving

GG2 6.2 Past Simple affirmative Regular verbs


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