1) the .......... student yawned during the lecture a) boring b) tired c) surprising d) interesting 2) she was ............. to find an unexpected gift. a) bored b) interesting c) surprised d) tired 3) I don't know which way we should go. I'm .............. a) tired b) confused c) amused d) amazing 4) the ....... view left us speechless a) breathtook b) annoyed c) breathtaking d) tiring 5) She didn't sleep last night. She seems very ............ a) tiring b) surprised c) interested d) tired 6) the ................. news left everyone in the room in stunned silence a) amazed b) amazing c) exhausted d) surprising 7) I don't need to .............. this jacket. I know it'll fit me a) try on b) put on c) put away d) put off 8) If you are sweating ............. your clothes a) put on b) try on c) take off d) put away 9) I was late for the class, so I ......... the first thing I found a) put away b) put on c) take off d) try on 10) what do you wear around your waist? a) necklace b) ring c) wig d) belt 11) Jewelry that you wear on your wrist a) wig b) ring c) belt d) bracelet 12) ............. by the sudden noise, the deer dashed into the dense forest. a) Frightened b) Annoyed c) Amused d) Confused 13) She carefully fastened the ............ on her favorite coat before heading out. a) laces b) sleeve c) button d) hood 14) He chose a shirt with a stylish ........... for the formal event. a) collar b) sleeve c) button d) knee-length shorts 15) What do you wear on your finger? a) necklace b) lace c) wig d) ring


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