1) Mary is ............................ than John a) tall b) taller c) tallest d) more tall 2) It is ................................. expensive car in the world a) the most b) the more c) much d) most 3) He is .............................. than John Lennon a) famouser b) the most famous c) the more famous d) more famous 4) He runs ................................ quickly of all a) the more b) most c) the most d) more 5) I need .................................... money for vacations a) the least b) most c) much more d) the less 6) She is my .................................. friend a) best b) better c) gooder d) the better 7) We need .......................... talk and more work a) little b) the least c) the less d) less 8) The supermodel Bella Hadid is .................................................... woman in the world a) beautiful b) the most beautiful c) more beautiful d) beautifuler 9) Motor bikes are ...................................................................... than cars a) dangerous b) the most dangerous c) more dangerous d) dangerouser




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