Stigma - Part of the female reproductive system of a flower. It is found in the center of a flower and helps to collect pollen., Style - The slender part of a flower pistil, connecting the ovary and the stigma., Ovary - The female organ of a flower., Sexual reproduction - The production of new organisms by the combination of genetic information of two individuals of different sexes., Asexual reproduction - A mode of reproduction in which a new offspring is produced by a single parent, Budding - An asexual reproduction method in which a new organism develops from a bud of an existing organism., Fragmentation - When an organism breaks down into several fragments; Each fragment develops into an individual and is a clone of the original organism., Fission - The splitting of a unicellular organism into two or more separate daughter cells., Spore formation - An Asexual Reproduction technique; used for fungi., Vegetative propagation - An asexual method of plant reproduction that occurs in its leaves, roots and stem., Zygote - Fertilized egg in sexual reproduction in plants., Ovum - Female gamete, Pollen - Male gamete,

Sci vocabs continued.


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