Prism - a 3D solid with two identical ends and flat sides., Apex - the highest point of a pyramid or cone, Cylinder - a 3D solid with two equal- sized circular bases and no vertices, Cube - a 3D solid with six square faces, Sphere - 3D, round figure with no edges or vertices, Quadrilateral - a four sided figure, Pyramid - a 3D solid where the sides are triangles that meet at an apex and the base is a polygon, Cone - a 3D figure that has one vertex and a circular base, Attribute - characteristics used to describe something, Vertex/Vertices - the point where two edges meet, Polygon - a closed figure with at least three straight sides, Rhombus - a four sided figure with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal, Trapezoid - a 2D figure that has four sides with one set of opposite sides being parallel, Face - a flat surface of a solid object, Edge - where two faces meet on a 3D object, Life Cycle - the particular way a living thing grows, reproduces, and dies, Stage - a single step in a process, Metamorphosis - the changes in form that some insects go through during their life cycle, Food Chain - the path of food energy from one organism to another, Growth - an increase,

Cluster 4 Math and Science Vocabulary


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