1) Jess is ... nurse in a hospital. ... hospital is a long way from her house. a) a, a b) a, the c) the, the d) the, a 2) What ... ! We'll have to eat our picnic in ... . a) a horrible day, the car b) the horrible day, the car c) a horrible day, a car d) the horrible day, a car 3) My wife likes ... but I prefer ... a) love stories, war films b) the love stories, the war films 4) I think ... government is corrupted. I guess it's true for ... whole world a) the / the b) a / a c) a /the 5) I'm having ... dinner with some friends. One of them is ... engineer. a) a, a b) the, the  c) no article, an 6) My boyfriend is ... chef. He really loves to cook ... meat and fish. a) no article, no article b) a, no article  c) the, the 7) In general, I like ..., but I don't like ... that Iive next door to me. a) dogs, dogs b) dogs, the dogs c) the dogs, the dogs 8) l think ... is more important than ... a) happiness, success b) the happiness, the success 9) I've got ... problem. ... problem isn't serious but I need your help. a) the, the b) a, the c) -, the 10) Did you buy ... dress you told me about? - Oh, yeah, it's so beautiful. a) a b) no article c) the


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