microorganism - a living organism so small that it can only be seen with a microscope, bacteria - single cell organisms smaller than animal and plant cells with a cell wall but no nucleus, most are harmless but some are harmful, fungi - SOME are microorganisms that includes yeast, colony - a group of bacteria or fungi you can sometimes see see, petri dish - small, clear round dish with a lid, used for growing microorganisms, agar jelly - thick clear substance made from seaweed, used for growing microorganisms, sterile - completely clean, free from bacteria and other microorganisms, mushroom - reproductive part of a fungus, edible usually, toadstool - a fungi that is not edible, yeast - a single celled fungus, algae - single cell plant like organisms found in pond water, protozoa - single cell organisms that have similar structure to animal cells,

Y7 7.1 Key Terms



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