1) If I .............. her address, I will send her an invitation a) finds b) found c) find d) finded 2) I ........................ her an invitation if I found her address. a) send b) sends c) would send d) will send 3) If it rained, you .................... wet. a) would get b) will get c) get d) got 4) She would hurt herself if she ................... a) fall b) fell c) falls d) will fall 5) If I were 20, I ................ the world. a) will travel b) would travel c) travels d) travel 6) If I work harder I ........................... the exam. a) passed b) would pass c) will pass d) passed 7) If he called you, you .................... a) go b) will go c) had gone d) went e) could go 8) If ................ you were in hospital, I'd visit you. a) know b) knew c) can know d) knows 9) If Bob .............. after the barbecue, Sue will let  the guests in. a) look b) looks c) will look d) looked 10) If  you give me your e-mail, I ............................... to you. a) would have written b) wrote c) had written d) will write 11) If I ........... you, I would give up eating junk food a) were b) am c) will be d) would be 12) I would buy you a present if I ..................... it was your birthday. a) know b) knew c) had known d) knows 13) If they all ............... their best, the party will be great. a) will do b) would do c) did d) do 14) If I ........... time, I'll finish that letter. a) has b) have c) had d) will have 15) If knew you were in hospital, I ................... you. a) will visit b) would visit c) would have visited d) visited 16) If I ........... a plant, I would love the rain. a) am b) were c) will be d) would be 17) You ....................... the bus if you don't hurry. a) won't miss b) will miss c) wouldn't miss d) would miss 18) If he ................... me , I would answer him. a) call b) called c) was calling d) calls

eo4 if conditional 1,2


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