1) ... China is in ... Asia a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 2) ... Nile is the longest river in ... world. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 3) ... Minsk is the capital of ... Belarus. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 4) ... Madagascar is in ... Indian Ocean. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 5) ... Lake Baikal is ... biggest lake on our planet. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 6) In summer we usually go to ... Turkey and swim in ... Black Sea. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 7) There's a monument in ... Victory Square. a) - b) the 8) ... Brazil is in ... South America. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 9) ... Paris is the capital of ... France. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 10) ... Lake Naroch is in ... Belarus. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 11) In summer Ann usually goes to ... Spain and swims in ... Atlantic Ocean. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 12) ... Minsk stands on ... Svisloch River. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the 13) Kevin's house is in ... Greenwood Road. a) - b) the 14) ... Hyde Park is in the centre of ... London. a) -; - b) the; - c) -; the d) the; the

Form 5 Unit 8 Lesson 1 Articles


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