1) Options for support through ABA a) Helpline b) LiveChat c) Mum2Mum app d) Local Group Activities e) Breastfeeding Education Classes f) All of the above 2) What are some positive impacts breastfeeding provides to a mother’s health? a) Hormones released while feeding can reduce stress and lower blood pressure b) Weight loss post-pregnancy c) Reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and ovarian and breast cancers d) Bond between mother and baby e) All of the above 3) What are some positive impacts breastfeeding provides to a baby’s health? a) Provides all nutrition needed for first 6 months of life b) Protects against gut, ear and respiratory infections c) Reduces risk of SIDS d) Reduces risk of being overweight/obese and diabetes e) Bond between mother and baby f) All of the above 4) WHO recommends to breastfeed for _ and beyond a) 2 years b) 6 months c) 1 year d) 3 months 5) What is the hormone released that tells the breasts to make milk? a) Oxytocin b) Oestrogen c) Progesterone d) Prolactin 6) What is the hormone that causes breastmilk to flow from the glands towards the nipples? a) Oestrogen b) Progesterone c) Oxytocin d) Prolactin 7) What stimulates hormones to be released to start the breastfeeding process? a) Mother eating food b) Baby suckling sends nerve impulses from nipple to brain c) Mother having a drink 8) What are some breast changes that can occur in pregnancy? a) Tender breasts b) Tingling or sore nipples c) Areolas get larger and may become darker d) Breasts and nipples increase in size e) Montgomery's glands become more obvious f) All of the above 9) What are some breast changes that can occur during lactation? a) May feel full and tight at first b) May soften after 6-8 weeks unless you miss a feed c) Both 10) Does the shape and size of breasts impact ability to make breastmilk? a) Yes b) No 11) Each breast has approximately _ lobes of milk-making tissue. a) 4 b) 20 c) 9 d) 13 12) Lobes of milk-making tissue are made up of _. a) Milk ducts b) Areolas c) Montgomery's glands d) Clusters of alveoli (milk-making glands) 13) _ carry breastmilk to the nipple a) Clusters of alveoli (milk-making glands) b) Areolas c) Milk ducts d) Montgomery's glands 14) Nipples may contain _ openings to allow milk to flow out. a) 30 - 60 b) 1 c) 4 - 18 d) 100 15) The little 'bumps' on the areola that provide lubrication and prevent bacteria growing on the nipples a) Areolas b) Clusters of alveoli (milk-making glands) c) Montgomery's glands d) Milk ducts 16) When the cells around the alveoli contract and squeeze out milk, the ducts expand. This causes breastmilk to flow towards the nipple. This is known as the __. a) Contraction reflex b) Let-down reflex 17) What is the MOST reliable sign that the let-down reflex has occurred? a) Baby's sucking rhythm changes from rapid little sucks to a stronger suck-and-swallow action b) Tingling sensation 18) What are the signs that a baby is having enough milk? a) At least 5 wet nappies in 24 hrs b) At least 3 loose poo nappies in 24 hours until ~6 weeks c) Healthy skin tone and bright eyes d) Alert and content for parts of the day e) Steady weight gain and growth in length and head circumference f) All of the above 19) What is the expected growth pattern of a breastfed baby? a) Loss of 5-10% birthweight in the first week, regained by 2 weeks b) Birth weight doubled by 4 months and tripled by 13 months for boys and 15 months for girls c) Birth length increases by half in 12 months d) Head circumference increases by ~11cm from birth to 12 months e) All of the above 20) Most breast and nipples issues are caused by _. a) Biting b) Using products c) Incorrect positioning and attachment d) Expressing 21) Most breast and nipples issues can be prevented by _. a) Correct positioning and attachment b) Regular feeding c) Seeking support d) All of the above 22) What is reverse pressure softening? a) Massaging baby's tummy b) A strategy to help soften engorged breasts 23) _ may help to reduce inflammation and pain after/between feeds. a) Heat packs b) Cool packs 24) When a baby is laid on a mother's chest and allowed to find the breast themselves, this is known as _. a) Mother-led attachment b) Baby-led attachment 25) How should a baby be positioned on the breast? a) Chest to chest, chin to breast b) More of the areola may be visible near baby's nose than under their chin c) Bottom lip turned out d) Nostrils clear e) All of the above 26) What is important for establishing and maintaining breastfeeding? a) Willpower b) Support - partner especially - and education c) Having an easy baby d) Using artificial milk 27) How can mothers enjoy an alcoholic drink? a) Prepare and express milk for baby beforehand b) Time drinking to have after baby has just fed c) Use the FeedSafe app d) All of the above 28) What is the recommended limit of cups of coffee while breastfeeding? a) 0 b) 3 - 4 c) 1 d) 6

Breastfeeding Basics


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