Underweight (Undernourished) - Low occurance in nutrients for optimal health and wellbeing , Overconsumption of sugars: simple carbs - tooth decay (dental caries), low self esteem & mental health, Overconsumption of saturated & trans fats, carbs, and proteins.  - Weight gain (overweight & obesity), Social discrimination, negative body image, Poor sleep, Increased LDL leading to Cardiovascular diseases (CVD)., Overconsumption of sodium - Hypertension(increased blood pressure); increasing risk of CVD, stroke, and heart attack, increase stress and anxiety, calcium excretion leading to osteoporosis;, Underconsumption of iron, folate, vitamin c, vitmain b12. - Low RBC production; leading to anaemia. General fatigue; impacting social and physical activities., Fibre underconsumption - Constipation and digestive health problems. Greater risk of uncontrolled cell growth (radicals) and impact metabolic stress; increasing risk of tumours, and colorectal cancers.,

Long term consequences of nutritional imbalances


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