1) You .......... at night. a) sleep b) grow c) eat 2) You .......... when you're hungry. a) eat b) sleep c) change 3) You .......... when you're thirsty. a) drink b) move c) sleep 4) You .......... to get air. a) grow b) breathe c) reproduce 5) You .......... all the time. a) sleep b) eat c) grow 6) When you're 65, you .......... a) move b) change c) retire 7) At 18 you become an .......... a) adult b) retired c) baby 8) Your body always changes. These are called life .......... a) cycles b) circles c) changes 9) You are a .......... thing. a) non-living b) living 10) You are a living thing like .......... a) animals and plants b) objects c) matters 11) All living things can .......... a) grow b) move c) watch a movie 12) everything a) minden b) senki 13) retired a) nyugdíjas b) öreg c) felnőtt 14) adolescent a) serdülő b) nyugdíjas c) felnőtt 15) cell a) sejt b) cella

SCI Unit 3 igék


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