1) The Houghmans dance regularly. a) Transitive verb b) Intransitive verb c) adjective d) noun e) demonstrative pronouns f) adverb 2) She slept at eight a) Transitive verb b) Intransitive verb c) adjective d) noun e) demonstrative pronouns f) adverb 3) We clean our room every day. a) Transitive verb b) adverb c) noun d) adjective e) demonstrative pronouns f) Intransitive verb 4) My brother moved to another city. a) Intransitive verb b) Transitive verb c) adverb d) noun e) demonstrative pronouns f) adjective 5) Those people painted their houses blue. a) Transitive verb b) adverb c) Intransitive verb d) noun e) adjective f) demonstrative pronouns 6) Tom and Jack sang at the school concert. a) Intransitive b) adverb c) Transitive verb d) adjective e) demonstrative pronouns f) noun 7) Kathy lies in the hammock on summer afternoons a) Intransitive verb b) adverb c) demonstrative pronouns d) noun e) adjective f) Transitive verb 8) He gave the book to the teacher. a) Transitive verb b) adverb c) demonstrative pronouns d) Intransitive verb e) noun f) adjective 9) We lived in Mexico for two years. a) Intransitive verb b) adverb c) Transitive verb d) demonstrative pronouns e) noun f) adjective 10) The boy laughed so much. a) Intransitive b) adverb c) adjective d) Transitive verb e) noun f) demonstrative pronouns 11) She wrote an essay to catch up with the class. a) Transitive b) Intransitive c) adverb d) adjective e) demonstrative pronouns f) noun 12) Metals expand on heating. a) Intransitive verb b) adverb c) Transitive d) conjunction e) adjective f) demonstrative pronouns 13) I walked to the park yesterday morning. a) Intransitive b) demonstrative pronouns c) Transitive d) adverb e) conjunction f) noun 14) Let’s invite your cousins as well a) Transitive verb b) adverb c) Intransitive d) conjunction e) noun f) demonstrative pronouns 15) She swam across the lake. a) Intransitive b) Transitive verb c) conjunction d) demonstrative pronouns e) noun f) adverb 16) The children played in the park. a) demonstrative pronouns b) Intransitive verb c) Transitive verb d) adverb e) noun f) conjunction 17) He ate the delicious cake. a) Transitive verb b) conjunction c) Intransitive verb d) noun e) adverb f) demonstrative pronouns 18) She gave him a book for his birthday a) Indirect object b) demonstrative pronouns c) Intransitive verb d) Transitive verb e) Direct object f) adverb 19) The teacher assigned us an essay to write. a) Indirect object b) Transitive verb c) Intransitive verb d) conjunction e) demonstrative pronouns f) adverb 20) He sent me an email with all the details. what is the Indirect object? a) me b) email c) sent me d) he e) sent f) details 21) We offered the guests some refreshments upon their arrival. What is the direct object? a) Some refreshments b) offered c) we d) guests e) arrival f) upon 22) They showed him the way to the nearest bus stop. What is the direct object? a) The way b) him c) nearest d) they e) showed f) bus stop 23) The company awarded its employees bonuses for their hard work. what is the indirect object? a) Its employees b) awarded c) for d) company e) hard work f) bonuses

Transitive and Intransitive verbs


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